Saturday, April 26, 2008

Sweet Caroline

How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand. When I awake, I am still with you. (Psalm 139:17,18)

Within my primary Bible is a list of verses used for daily meditation. How fitting that this is the verse that is listed on March 14th. When pondering God's thoughts for us, we count the blessings that He has bestowed upon us. On March 14th we were blessed with an addition to the Vandenburg clan with the birth of our daughter Caroline Elise Vandenburg.
Many times we take God's blessings for granted: a raise at work, a new job, a sunny day, a rainy day, or any variations on the good things that happen to us. The birth of a child tends to put everything into perspective. While all those other things are nice, nothing compares to holding your child for the first time. You look at their small faces and tiny bodies, the very image that was created by two people. (Thankfully, Caroline's image is closer to Jennifer than me, though we still see me, something about stubbornness, I don't understand that though, since I am not stubborn). Realizing that they will depend upon you for everything. They can accomplish nothing without your help.
It is very similar to how God views us. He sees our small faces and tiny bodies, created in His very own image. We are created to rely on Him for everything, and apart from Him, we can accomplish nothing. When we are fussy and worn out, God cradles us in His arms, sings us a lullaby and soon, we are at peace with Him. Whatever ails us, whatever troubles us, is gone. God brushes the hair out of our eyes, kisses our forehead, and tells us, “Everything will be all right, I am here.”
We have been given a magnificent and awesome responsibility. Nothing is greater than caring for a child from God, for God. We are basically renting her from God to be good stewards of His gifts. God looked down upon us and said, “Jennifer and Daniel, here is my most precious thought for you. Teach her well, and raise her with My guidance. There will be some heartache and pain, but there will be a lot more joy and happiness. You are blessed.”
“How precious to me are your thoughts.”
God bless

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