"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth . . .So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him." (Gen 1:1,27) Then in the year 2006, man decided to create man in his own image. No matter the spin, we have entered into the area known as cloning humans especially for the purpose of destruction, but soon, for other purposes. Daniel you are an alarmist, the procedure doesn’t call for cloning, and it is only for stem cell research, then the embryos will be destroyed. No loss of human life. Like I said, no matter the spin, life will be created by humans, (not the natural wonderful way to create humans), and soon, maybe not in my lifetime, but for other purposes. The movie The Island may have prophetic overtones after all.
How important is stem cell research? Useless, and very important. When it comes to stem cell research, the main thing that isn’t talked about is what type. Those that support embryonic stem cell research are misleading, to out right lying to the public. When they point to all the advances that have come from stem cell research, they are somewhat right. I personally support the initiative to increase stem cell research, and a lot has been done with stem cell research. Cures, and medicinal therapy have resulted in stem cell research. Advances in Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson disease, MS, and various other genetic diseases have come from stem cell research. Those are facts that can not be disputed. The other aspect of these facts, that the embryonic stem cell supporters don’t want you to know, is all of these advances have come from adult stem cell research. There has not, I repeat, not been any advance or cure done by embryonic stem cell research. All that embryonic stem cell research has accomplished is the destruction of human life.
The authors of the Missouri initiative to increase stem cell research kept pointing out that their bill does not mention cloning. The problem is the use of the language. Top medical schools, Johns Hopkins, the AMA, various other scientific journals and universities all said that it increases the use of cloning. Regardless of the language that they used it increased and promoted cloning. What is going to happen in the future? There are many possibilities, and some will accuse me of being an alarmist, or even a doomsayer, but knowing human nature, this is a strong possibility of happening.
What is that you might ask? Adult clones.
Hitler once dreamt of the Aryan race. With cloning now on the forefront, that dream of his will not be far off. Man can determine if the child will have a genetic defect and therefore lead to aborting the baby. Man can manipulate the gene pool, to make sure the baby doesn’t inherit any genetic flaw. People can determine the sex of the child, and the very make up of the child. And if they don’t like the results, they can abort the child and start again.
Through the results of cloning, laws can be past to regulate who will have children. The government will decide if the couple is worthy enough to have children, and then if they can, they have to spend a bundle to make the right child. Don’t believe me, people have been writing books and short stories for the past 70 years, discussing these things. China has laws to prohibit certain people from having any babies, not just 1, they can’t have any. China has a large sterilization policy that affects a lot of people.
Aside from the limits, will come the harvesting clones. The movie The Island dealt with that topic. Ewan McGregor (a second movie about clones for him) plays a clone on an island. The movie is about clones that are unaware that they are clones. The just think they live in a city with the chance to go to paradise in the lottery. What they are unaware of is that the lottery is not a good thing, nor is it random. When chosen for the lottery, they are taken into a lab and their body parts are harvested for the original person. They are basically their originals organ donors. We might come to that some time soon.
Then there is the clone army. I’m not just talking Star Wars here. There will come a point where the powers that be, instead of taking enlisted men, will start to create their own perfect soldier. It is the Aryan race with the purpose of going to war. They will be grown, bred, and trained for destruction. An actual clone war will break out.
Ultimately though, we are crossing into a threshold that belongs solely to God. God is the creator of all things. He created the heavens and the earth. He created the animals of the land, the birds of the air, the fish of the sea. He created you and me. "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s wound." (Psalm 139:13) "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."(Jer 1:5) "Who is this that darkens my counsel with words without knowledge? Brace yourself like a man; I will question you, and you shall answer me. Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation? Tell me if you understand." (Job 38:2-4)
We are starting to play God. We are denying the creator and worshiping the created things. We are making our own laws and disobeying the Lawgiver.
We can no longer truly say we are a nation of Christians. We as a nation have turned to away from God. We are serving the created instead of the creator (evolution). We knew God, but we no longer glorify God. We claim to be wise, yet we are foolish, (Read Romans chap 1)
Jesus said that if we are not for him then we are against him. As a nation, we pretty much showed that we are not for him. We allowed a cloning law, we allowed for homosexual marriage, we didn’t even get out to vote. A voice of silence is acceptance.
Being the Star Wars fan that I am, I can understand how Bail Organa felt watching the clone ships take off. He stood there on the balcony overlooking the area, and clenched his fist in despair and pressed it against the ledge.
As Yoda said to Obi-Wan Kenobi, "The shroud of the dark side has fallen. Begun the clone war has."
Have a blessed week
Daniel G Vandenburg
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There are two types of people I like; One who knows what he is talking about,and one who is not afraid to speak his mind. Praise God you are both and I know it lies with the strength He has given you. God Bless You.
Thank you, praise God.
I received a comment today, around 8:00 or so. It was a nice comment, but it's not getting published because they opened up a little bit about themselves. Let me just say to everyone, if you leave a comment with me, I don't get an e-mail address and if you don't leave a name, I don't know who you are. You're identity is well protected. That's why I ask if you have hateful things to say, leave your name, you know mine. And if you have a problem that you want help with, I don't need a name, but if you don't want the world to know, give me an e-mail address so I can respond in private. As for the one who sent the message, contact me, and I will see what I can't do for you. There may be a possible sollution to your question.
God bless
Calling you narrowminded would be an insult to narrowmided people. You seem to only have a one track mind. You basically called anyone who supoorts stem cell research a Hitler, when even our president and you support stem cell research, according to your blog. There is nothing morally or ethically wrong with stem cell research, and these "embryos" aren't living beings. They are just a mass of tissue, even most women consider the fetus a parasite invading their body. I would have supported the same initiative if we had the chance here in New York. I'm not going to read your propaganda crap anymore. Christopher Schmidt (See if you have the guts to print this)
I'm not sure what you have against helping cure diseases and increasing the health of people. So what if an embryo is destroyed. The sacrifice made helps ensure millions of people won't suffer. Being a "Christian" you should support something that helps people. Sheila Faulkner
You are a narrow minded Hitler. You need to stick with religious stuff and leave the politics to those who fully understand how the government works. If more people would be like John Kerry, a devout Catholic, and separate your religious beliefs from your political beliefs this nation would be a lot better off. I hope nobody else believes your propaganda bullsh**. Destroy the embryos to help save lives, and allow people who truly love each other to marry, regardless of sex. Homosexuality is not a choice they are born that way. Thank God Nancy Pelosi will be in charge soon. Liberalism is on the rise and conservativism is dead. As a Christian shouldn't you be more like Jesus, he taught tolarance of others, so you should be tolerant of other peoples decisions, even if it differs from yours. I'll even go so far as to say, you've either been divorced 3 or 4 times or never married because you won't let the woman speak her mind. I sure as hell wouldn't want to be with you. L Fitzgerald, a proud Christian lesbian.
I can say from experience, Daniel's not anything like you portray him being. Sure, he's made some mistakes in his past, but he's turned his life around & will be a wonderful preacher. We were never in disagreement on politics or religion. It is hard to separate the two. I am neither democrat or republican, but conservative. If there is a democrat that follows God's Word and leading, then I would vote for them. As for the homosexuals, God clearly states it is wrong. He would not have said that if He had "made" a person that way. You could change with God's help if you truly wanted to. I have several friends who have done just that and are now living for the Lord. As to embryos not being living, let's get rid of them all and see how many children we'd have then. Don't destroy life in order to save it. And women considering a fetus a parasite, that makes me sick. If you don't want to get pregnant, than make sure you don't do anything to get that way. Children are a blessing from God, not a curse. By the way, I heard on the news that Al Qaida is rejoicing and praising the US for their democratic majority. That should tell you something. I guess you can add me to your list of narrowminded people. Daniel, keep up the good work and keep true to the Lord. YOu may not see the rewards on earth, but you will in heaven one day. Beware when you run down a man of God. I'm praying for you.--M
I thought you were exxagerating when you stated that people sent hateful comments. Wow! Most of these are totally uncalled for. I also understand what you meant when you said liberals won't allow others to speak their mind, and they get upset when you do. I am a liberal and like most liberals an atheist, and I support the democrats who are also atheists. So, I'm not going to dispute you with the Bible, and try to prove you wrong. You are evidently an intelligent person, and I wouldn't mind having a civil debate with you on this subject sometime. I am sorry for the behavior of my liberal "friends". Peace Emilia Youtsey
Wow, I am astonished at the response I have received. I will address the major issues, first I do support stem cell research, read the blog closely, I support adult stem cell research, not embryonic stem cell research, there is a major difference. As for embryos not being human, scripture clearly points out that God placed us in the womb, He formed us, ordained us, and set us apart before our day of birth. (Jer 1:5, Psalm 139:13-16,) As for being "parasites" I asked every woman I work with, and they all gave a resounding "No way." Even the ones that support abortion. The difference, parasites enter without asking, you making sweet love, have asked for the child to come whether you intended or not.
The second one: The ends do not justify the means. In order to sacrifice yourself, you have to make a concientious decision, the embryos do not. I used to believe life begins at conception, but now I don't, (I still do, but follow this) After reading scripture, God forms us even before we placed in the womb. That would mean our existence was formed before our parents really knew each other. Hmm. Destroying life to save another, especially if there are other means, is wrong.
Third, wow I've never been called a murderous facist dictator before, and that's a little uncalled for. I am for saving life, not destroyin it. Study your history and you will find that what we do with the embryos, is what Hitler did with the Jews. He ran countless experiments to promote the perfect race. Be careful of what we are looking for. As for separating religion from politics, that's basically saying you are two different people. You're religious beliefs must dictate your political beliefs. You can not say, "I am against abortion," yet vote to legalize it. You can not separate the two or you end up shortchanging both and sound like a wishy washy ne'er do well. I'm not sure why you went off on the homosexual tangent here. This blog is primarily discussing cloning. But, since you brought it up, let's look at scripture and us the old therefore statements. (Lev 18:22, Rom 1:24-27, I Cor 6:9,10) Sin is a choice against God's laws, Homosexuality is against God's law, therefore homosexuality is a sin. Do we despise the sinner? Not at all. We continue to love the sinner, but do not love the sin. Thanks for hitting me below the belt, as if I already feel bad enough about my failed relationships. I have never been married, came close a couple times, but never married. As for the reason they ended it, I don't think it was because I wouldn't allow them to speak their mind. I do know that is none of your business though. Let's keep this between you and myself. Leave my personal life out of it.
Next, thanks for the comments, you amongst a few people, know me better than most. They are greatly appreciated, I always praise God for you.
The last one, not all democrats are atheist, it just seems that way. I would welcome a lively civil debate. I don't hold you responsible for your "friends" comments.
There are a lot of other things to discuss, but they would be better served in a blog, especially the tolerance of Jesus.
On a side note, these negative comments are the nicer ones, I have about 5 or 6 that use curse words, pointed out that my parents weren't married when I was conceived, used words that rhymed with duck and bass fishing hole. Those comments and those attacking other people will not get published. Have a good week and don't be afraid because I am going to be a pastor.
You might have heard this before, but thought it might fit in with what has been said above & make someone possibly think a little. There is alot of truth to it:
Should This Baby Be Aborted? You Decide.
By Steve Ray
In the United States, there are many situations in which abortions are recommended, even encouraged by family, counselors, medical personnel and even religious advisors. Sometimes an abortion is recommended because of difficult circumstances and other times simply for convenience. Here are four cases for you to consider. Should these babies be aborted? You decide!
Four Cases:
Case #1. There’s a traveling preacher and his wife who are living in poverty. They already have fourteen children. Now she finds out she’s pregnant with the 15th child. They are very poor and probably will be unable to afford a doctor’s attention. Considering their poverty, the excessive world population, and the number of children they already have, would you recommend she get an abortion?
Case #2. The grandmother is an alcoholic and the father spends his evenings out drinking in the taverns. His mother has tuberculosis. She has already given birth to four children. The first child is blind, the second child died, the third child is deaf, and the fourth child has tuberculosis. Now the mother is pregnant again. Given the extreme situation, would you recommend an abortion?
Case #3. A white man raped a 13-year-old black girl and now she is pregnant. Her family lives in extreme poverty; in fact, to survive, they often have to steal food. If you were her parents, would you recommend or require her to have an abortion?
Case #4. A thirteen year old girl is pregnant. She is not married and lives in an outback area with very little money or resources. The man she hopes to marry someday is not the father of the baby, and he’s considering walking away due to the embarrassment of the situation. There is no hospital available nor are doctors able to give her medical attention. Would you recommend that she get an abortion?
The Reality:
Case #1: You would have just aborted the world-famous Methodist preacher John Wesley.
Case #2: You would have just aborted the great composer Ludwig van Beethoven.
Case #3: You would have just aborted Ethel Waters, the marvelous black Gospel singer.
Case #4: You would have just aborted Jesus Christ, the savior of the world!
Since we are killing off over a million of our babies each year, how many other geniuses, artists, musicians, scientists, saints, and others have we assassinated? If the “pro-choice” (“pro-abortion”) folks have their way, the world may be deprived of a genius with the cure for cancer, the first female president, the inventor of new technologies, the saint who could have led us closer to God, the inventor of medical miracles, etc. In the lust of personal peace and pleasure, are we Americans killing the very people that God has sent to assist, teach, and save us?
--G Gibeson
Dan you will make a great minister. You have helped me in life reach for things that I never thought could have been reached. I am glad to have a dear friend that is always there to listen.
Lords Blessings
T. Retzlaff
There are a lot of other scenarios about abortion. My favorite one is this: I was talking to my sister, she said, we need to spend more money on medical research so we can find a cure for AIDS, Parkinsons, MS (which she has), cancer and other diseases. That way the scientists can get the support and find these cures. My response: God already had ordained someone for that, and sent that person down. But, because the mother didn't want another baby, she aborted it. Don't think God's not happy with our decisions we make. Just like the Israelites, we have turned our back on God, and now, we are reaping what we sow.
Tom: Thank you, praise God. You and your whole family are dear to me. May God bless you and yours.
God bless all of you who have sent encouragement.
The messages I haven't been publishing. Yes, I would be embarrased to publish them. I don't know who you are and it is frustrating. If I knew who you are, I would be able to give you a better answer. I can imagine how much fun this is for you. I can't answer your questions without know who you are. Don't worry, I won't publish them for the whole world to see. (and yes, it is embarrasing, nothing that I am ashamed of, just embarrassing, I'm not used to that kind of flattery and talk, all the praise goes to God, He is the one that the glory goes to) And evidently the whole world reads this. Who knew a farm boy Abilene, would get this much attention. Not that I'm a farmboy.
Thanks for some hope and encouragement.
I am reading this on my lunch & can't believe people would actually write to you about how you were conceived. I agree that sin is a choice & you had nothing to do with the choice your parents made. God has a purpose for you. We can't change what our parents did, but hopefully you learned from their mistakes and won't make the same ones they did in your life. God can use us despite our circumstances. I may not agree with you on everything, but i'm glad you are doing what you think God wants you to do. best of luck.
I want to clear up a couple of things. My parents were married when I was conceived, but the language used insinuated something completely different. I have found that people will resort to hate to try to intimidate me. I just look at the opening of the previous blog and realize that I am hated because of Jesus. I appreciate you disagreeing with me in a nice way.
For the other person who's comment is not being published, I'm sorry if I have upset you. In this world of anonymity people can say anything they want, about anything and with me, be almost accurate. I want to make sure you are who I think you are. At least give me that, so I know who's thoroughly peeved with me. So I know who I need to beg forgiveness from, in person and not aired out for the 20 people that read this.
looks like this discusion has finaly died down. don't know if that is good or bad, i was kind of enjoying it. guess it's time for another subject to discus.
I haven't had any comments in a while, so those that hate me, probably quit posting, those that like me, don't want to praise me too much for fear of giving me "the big head". I will get something posted this weekend, and probably not again until after the 14th of Dec. I have a class coming up where I have to read over 200 pages of material, and fill out 200 pages of answers. Plus I have 3 essays I need to write. I'll post something to get everyone riled up again. Have a good one
Hey, good luck with the tests. I remember in college how those went. Now I just have report cards to figure and tests to give and grade. Have a blessed Thanksgiving with your family.--M
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