Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Seek the Truth

Just recently, a movie was released, it was based on a best selling novel. The book and subsequently the movie was fictional. The mantra for those that don't understand the damaging effects it has to Christianity, is "It's just fiction, so why are you concerned with it." And I must admit, for the longest time I wasn't. I did view it as fiction and not worth my time to respond. Then people started asking questions based on the book and asking how come I don't believe it.
Then one day, God thumped me on the noggin, and planted a truth in my spirit. What if, you were standing there in line and someone walked up to someone else behind you, and started talking to them. You were not part of the converstation, nor were you invited into the converstation. Then one person says, "What I am about to tell you is going to be the truth." And the conversation stears toward your parent. They say, "So and So has 3 children (truth), they've been married for 30 years (truth) and then proceeds to tell lies about your parent. Harmful, hurtful, and hateful lies. Knowing you're not part of the conversation, do you still sit idly by while your parent is trashed or do you speak up and say, "I know the truth and what he says is not the truth."
Knowing that God is greater than anyone and that He doesn't need defended, I will still defend the truth. Why? For 2 reasons. First, He may not need me to defend Him, but He wants me to defend him and secondly, because silence is still acceptance.
I don't want to get too deep on the DaVinci Code aspects of things. The church is hosting a seminar on the DaVinci Code, and I am one of the panelists that will be sharing some things about it. I will discuss a couple of things here, though.
First of all, the idea of Jesus being married isn't something new. It's not something that just popped into this writers brain. There is a psuedo christian sect that has been teaching the marriage of Jesus for a mighty long time. They've taught that Jesus had children. The only thing I am unsure of, is if they teach that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene.
In the early 80's there was a book that promoted Mary and her baby as the holy grail. Once again, if this was a deep truthful secret kept by a secret society, they did a poor job keeping it. I definately wouldn't want them to keep a secret for me.
Aside from the other blasphemous aspects of the book (will be discussed later), I wanted to point out the strong occult teachings. The book is laced with it. In one part, the police chief made the comment about devil worship and the main character reprimanded him. In essence he told them that the Christians are narrow minded idiots and there is nothing wrong with any non christian practice. He gave him a history on early worship practices (which is goofed up anyway) and said that's how early cultures worshipped their gods. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with what they do.
I opened up my bible and found myself in Luke. "He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me, scatter" (Luke 11:23 NIV) Simply put, either you are for Jesus or you're not. If you have questions, ask. Most importantly. SEEK THE TRUTH!
Have a blessed week
Daniel Vandenburg


Anonymous said...

I'm praying for you as you participate in the seminar Saturday. May unbeliever's eyes be open to the truth. --Melody

Anonymous said...

I'm sure everyone would like an update on how the conference went, how many attended, etc. Thanks!

Daniel V said...

For the Saturday seminar we had a decent amount show up and it went fairly well. We are going to go over everything the next 5 Wednesday nights. Going in order of the program to give it better justice. We were constrained for time, and felt there were some things that didn't get mentioned because of time. We wetted the appetites, in hopes, that they will show up for the full goods.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like things went well. I hope the next few weeks go as well and unbelievers and some christian doubters will be reassured of what the Bible truly says. Thanks for holding up for the truth. I wish more christians would do the same. God bless, Melody

Anonymous said...

You wrote:
"These books were going to prove that Jesus was divine and not human; that women were the rightful leaders of the early church; that Jesus conspired with Judas to be betrayed; Jesus was married; and an assortment of other things. All of these things go against what the Bible teaches. And what are these books called: The Gnostic Gospels."

Is that just a typo or do you not believe that Jesus is God?