Thursday, November 04, 2010

Grace and Mercy

There are many events in a person’s life that while at the time may seem insignificant, had a strong impact. One such incident happened to me.
A few years ago, I was in the fourth grade. Fourth grade was the first year that we switched teachers for some of the various core classes. Mrs. Book was one of the teachers that I had the pleasure of studying under. One of the classes that she taught me was science. Aside from the cool destruction of the aluminum gas can, Mrs. Book taught me one of the fundamental aspects of Christianity: grace and mercy.
One particular day, Chris Orr (yes that Chris Orr) and I had to take a make up science test. Mrs. Book handed us the tests and gave us some very explicit instructions. She stated, “You two go to the library and take this test. Do not sit near each other, do not talk to each other and do not cheat.”
Somehow in our one hundred foot journey to the library, our brains forgot what we were told to do. We immediately sat at the same table, right next to each other. We then began talking to each other, which led to the breaking of the other instruction. We cheated.
When finished with the test, we joyfully went back to class. We were very confident that we did well on the test. After all, we discussed every question in length to come up with the answer. We were also very sure that we got away with it.
The next day, we were sitting in Mrs. Brown’s class. There was a knock on the door and Mrs. Book stuck her head in the door and politely asked, “Pat, may I speak with Chris and Daniel, just for a couple of minutes?” Unsure what it was about, we happily got out of our seats and ventured into the hallway.
When we got out into the hall, I immediately knew we were in trouble. She was holding our tests in her hand. She asked us a simple question, her voice was not one with anger as much as it had disappointment in it, “Can you explain this to me?”
Neither one of us had a good explanation to her question, because neither one of us said anything. What she said then took me by absolute surprise. She said, “I know you two cheated and I should give you both zeroes for this test. However, I am not going to do that. I will let you keep this grade, if you promise to never do it again.”
There was the lesson: grace and mercy.
Grace is receiving something that you do not deserve. Mercy is not receiving what you do deserve. We did not deserve to keep that grade. She had every right to fail us. Instead, she showed us grace. We did deserve to fail. She had every right to fail us. Instead, she showed us mercy.
Our Father in heaven is the same way. The Bible states that the wages of sin is death and that all are sinners. However, the Bible also states that it is through the redemption of Jesus Christ that we receive forgiveness of our sins, but that it comes by God’s grace, “In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God's grace.” (Ephesians 1:7 NIV) Through Jesus Christ we will not receive death (mercy), but we will receive eternal life (grace).
I do not think at that time, Mrs. Book meant to give me a life lesson that I will never forget. She was just doing what she knew best, to bestow grace and mercy on one of her own.

Monday, November 01, 2010

The Great Reunion of the Saints

Recently (October 8 and 9th) it happened to be my high school class reunion. We will be celebrating 20 years of our graduation from AHS. It will be a time when old friends gather to reminisce about our times growing up together. We will discuss the past and the present, with a hopeful eye to the future. Many classmates have moved out of town and this is the only time to connect on a personal level.
A few weeks prior to the reunion. I was asked if there was anyone I was looking forward to seeing. Without hesitation, I answered my friend Jeff. Throughout high school we were inseparable. If we shared a class we were always seated around each other. If we were involved in the same activities, we were together. If there were a trip to be taken, we would sit beside each other on the bus. Pick up a yearbook and you would be hard pressed to find a picture that included both of us, in which we were not beside each other. After high school we went our separate ways. I went to Emporia State and Kansas Wesleyan. He went to K-State. After college, we got jobs, families, and pretty much lost touch. The last time I really sat and talked to him, 10 years ago, at our last reunion.
At the reunion, we reconnected again. Even though it has been twenty years (and forty pounds and less hair later) we still got along great. After a few minutes of reminiscing we spent the rest of the evening catching up and reconnecting. It was a good time.
A reunion is a nice thing. You reconnect with lost friends and loved ones. People you have not talked to in many years. It will be a time of joy. Yet, there is one reunion that will be even more joyful. The Great Reunion of the Saints.
It can be said that we all have lost loved ones at some point in our lives. Whether it is a grandparent, parent, sibling, or child, we all have experienced loss. My class has even lost a member through a series of tragic events. As King David remarked in Psalm 23 that we all have walked through the valley of the shadow of death.
There will be a time when we all will be called together. “And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Another book was opened, which is the book of life. The dead were judged according to what they had done as recorded in the books.” (Revelation 20:12 NIV) Imagine what a time that would be, everyone from our lives, past, present, and future, gathered together. What a glorious time that could be.
There is a warning among this. The Bible states that all will be raised, some for eternal life, some for condemnation. “Do not be amazed at this, for a time is coming when all who are in their graves will hear his voice and come out―those who have done good will rise to live, and those who have done evil will rise to be condemned.” (John 5:28, 29 NIV)The reunion will be a great time for those who believe, but for those that do not, the reunion will not be a happy time.
That weekend, while my class was having their reunion, I was also look forward to another reunion. A reunion for all eternity, the Great Reunion of the Saints.