Monday, May 28, 2007

Remember Me

Today is Memorial Day in the United States. It is a day of remembrance for those that have passed on. Many veteran groups use this day to honor and commemorate the fallen soldiers. Families use this day to remember the loved ones that have gone on before us. It is a day to remember those that have had an impact on our lives. It is also a day to remember those that didn’t get a chance to have an impact on our lives, or those that we have ignored their impact.
On January 22, 1973, the United States government legalized murder to a group of human beings that can not protect themselves, that can not speak out, and that can not show the pain that they are suffering. Humans that do not choose the life that they are given, a life that, to say loosely, they are born with. They don’t make a choice that can bring unfair and unwarranted discrimination upon them. They are considered to be a lesser type of human being.
What caused this discrimination? Is it their skin color? The United States has had a history of racial intolerance, but this isn’t based on their melanin. Is it their gender? This murder can happen to either male or female. Is it their religion? Again, this murder can invade all types of religions and faiths. Unfortunately, certain Christian denominations and Islamic sects have even supported this murder. Is it their socio economic status? Rich or poor, this form of murder is indiscriminate. Is it their lifestyle? These humans that are murdered daily, haven’t had the time to gain their sexual identity. So it is unclear if they have chosen the homosexual lifestyle or not.
What is this murder that affects all types of people, yet only discriminates against on certain type of person. This murder is simply known as Legalized Infanticide. Or in a more popular politically correct term: Abortion.
A couple of years ago, on Focus on the Family, Dr Dobson had a guest who spoke on abortion. Unfortunately, I can’t remember the name of the guest, but I do remember the acronym that he gave: SLED. It is an acronym used to debate the merits of abortion by using the definitions that abortionists used to support their cause. Size, Location, Environment, and Level of Dependency. Please check out this site to get a better understanding.
My primary argument against abortion is using the reverse method of death. I approached a doctor when I was still in high school and was greatly troubled by the abortion laws. I asked him what determines if a person is dead. Is it the heart stops beating? No. Is it the lungs, kidneys, and other organs don’t work? No. What determines when a person is legally dead? His answer: When there is no more brain activity, the person is no longer considered living. Therefore, brain activity determines life. If there is brain activity, there is life. Machines can help keep everything else going, and even substitute for other organs that have failed. Machines can not keep the brain going. Simply put, brain activity = life, no brain activity = death.
This memorial day, let us remember the 43 million plus humans that have been murdered since 1973.
Who is the other person we should remember? Who has had an impact on our lives, that we have seemed to ignore, or forget? That person is Jesus Christ.
Even though this isn’t Christmas or Easter, we must remember the sacrifice laid down by Jesus Christ. He did more for humanity than any other person in existence. He may not have been the one that invented penicillin, the wheel, or slice bread. He may not have invented the automobile, telephone, or the internet, but what he did is more great than any of those things. “God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” (2 Cor 5:21). Jesus gave us the way to righteousness. He took upon himself the sin of the world, so that we can have communion with God, without having to go through a multitude of mediators.
It is through Jesus that we get eternal life. “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12)
We have to confess that Jesus is our Lord and believe that God raised him from the dead. “That if you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” (Rom 10:9)
When we confess that Jesus is Lord, t hen we must obey his commands, “If you love me, you will obey what I command.” (John 14:15)
Let us remember what Jesus has done for us. He has granted us the way to eternal life, through his death and resurrection.
Have a blessed Memorial Day and a blessed week